Mini Emoji Plushie Hand Sewing Party
Kiddos will learn hand sewing by creating an adorable mini Emoji plushie.
They will be encouraged to use their imagination to make each one “their own”! They will then craft a mini bed/nest for their new stuffie! Kids will learn hand sewing by creating an adorable mini Emoji plushie. They will be encouraged to use their imagination to make each one “their own”! They will then craft a mini bed/nest for their new stuffie! Sew for about an hour and 15 minutes then the last 45 minutes are for any party food you would like to bring.
$38 per child per girl • 1.5 hour duration • This party option requires a 8 child minimum and 15 child maximum. 2nd grade and up. Note: We can travel to you for this party theme for a travel fee.