
Subject: project

DIY Painted Bead Necklace: Girl Scout Junior Jeweler Badge Project & Brownie Painting Badge Idea

Are you a Junior Girl Scout troop working on your Jeweler Badge?  A Brownie troop working on the Painting badge? This project would be great to use for either badge!  Also if you have a multi level of Brownie to Cadettes it would be great for all of those levels!  Grab some paint, jewelry string […]

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American Girl Doll Mini Italian Gelato Ice Cream Craft

Who does love sweets?!  We sure love Italian gelato!  Want to make a pretend sized one for your American Girl doll or teddy bear?  Check out the tutorial right here!   Supplies: green, red and white Crayola Model Magic Mini clear cup (you can use communion cups, or Dollar Tree and Party City sell small […]

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Playing the Past Junior Badge Girl Scout Crafting & Activity Ideas

Have a Junior Girl Scout troop that is working towards your Playing the Past badge? We have some ideas you might enjoy! First you need to pick a theme or era/decade for Playing the Past to narrow down your ideas. We have done this badge in many of our Girl Scout badge workshops.  One idea […]

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