
Subject: necklace

DIY Painted Bead Necklace: Girl Scout Junior Jeweler Badge Project & Brownie Painting Badge Idea

Are you a Junior Girl Scout troop working on your Jeweler Badge?  A Brownie troop working on the Painting badge? This project would be great to use for either badge!  Also if you have a multi level of Brownie to Cadettes it would be great for all of those levels!  Grab some paint, jewelry string […]

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Minion Inspired Kids Jewelry Craft: Jeweler Junior Badge Idea

We have a super fun Minion inspired kids jewelry craft that you can make with your friends or use it to work towards your Jeweler Junior badge! Supplies: blue pony beads yellow pony beads thin elastic jewelry string bottle cap (with holes drilled on the side-can find these at the craft store) large googley eye […]

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DIY T-Shirt Necklace Craft—Eco-Friendly Way to Recycle Old T-Shirts

Here is a quick and easy eco-friendly way to re-use old t-shirts and turn them into necklaces! This is a great Girl Scout craft idea, summer camp craft, or a fun birthday party idea!  Here at Cupcakes and Lace we have done this activity with the girls many times and they love it!  This fun […]

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