
Subject: jeweler junior badge

Jeweler Junior Girl Scout Badge Project Idea: Pastel Tassle Necklace Kids Craft

We LOVE making Jeweler here at Cupcakes and Lace in Loudoun County Virginia, especially for the Jeweler Junior Girl Scout badge. Make this super adorable (and totally wearable for adults too!) necklace when working towards your Jeweler badge…or just for fun!   Supplies: Bead Landing brand Value Pack Pastel beads (you can really use any […]

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DIY Rose Gold Cut Gem Bracelets: Jeweler Junior Girl Scout Badge Craft Project

We love these beautiful rose gold and cut gem bracelets and want to show you how to make some on your own! These would be a great project when working towards your Jeweler Junior badge or even as gifts (kids and adults!). Supplies: 5 yard roll of rose gold bendable  aluminum metal wire (found in […]

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Minion Inspired Kids Jewelry Craft: Jeweler Junior Badge Idea

We have a super fun Minion inspired kids jewelry craft that you can make with your friends or use it to work towards your Jeweler Junior badge! Supplies: blue pony beads yellow pony beads thin elastic jewelry string bottle cap (with holes drilled on the side-can find these at the craft store) large googley eye […]

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Girls Neon Jewelry Craft Idea! Great For Girl Scout Jeweler Junior Badge!

At one of our recent Girl Scout badge workshops in Chantilly, Virginia we taught the girls how to earn their Jeweler badge! We made tons of fun accessories and even a really cool animal figurine jewelry holder (Check out the tutorial right here to make one!).  The girls favorite project was this awesome neon necklace.  […]

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Nature Craft Idea for Kids-Cupcakes and Lace

Fun Kids Nature Craft Idea- Acorn Lady Necklace!

This is a great craft idea for the Jeweler Junior Girl Scout badge or for anyone with a passion for crafting with materials found in nature! At our upcoming Girl Scout Jeweler Badge Workshop here in Northern Virginia, we are going to be making this cute acorn nature necklace!  We got inspired by all the […]

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