
Subject: kids art studio

American Girl 18” Doll Mini Play Food Craft: Make Valentine’s French Crepe Platter

Valentines is around the corner and I bet your doll would enjoy some french crepes for a Valentines breakfast in bed! We will show you to craft a mini pretend Valentines inspired crepe (which are kind of like thin pancakes!) platter complete with whip creme and berries on top.  See below to make one for […]

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Visit Casa Cuna Orphange/Childrens Home In Aruba: & Girl Scout Service Project Idea!

Mrs. K (owner of Cupcakes and Lace) recently went on a trip with her 87 year old Grandmother to the southern Caribbean!   While she was there they visited a childrens home called Casa Cuna.  They purchased a few bags of childrens clothing from Little Lords and Ladies, packed it up in their suitcase and brought […]

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DIY Girls Gemstone Bottlecap Bracelet: Girl Scout Jeweler Junior Badge Activity

Are you a Girl Scout troop working towards earning your Jeweler Junior Badge?  Or do you just love making super cool jewelry? Then this is the perfect craft for you!  With just a few supplies you can make these dazzling cut gemstone bracelets.  Hey, you could even turn these into necklaces with longer string!  Check […]

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Kids Sewing Studio & Arts/Crafts Studio In Chantilly, Virginia! Our New Location!

Cupcakes and Lace just moved over to our own sewing, crafting, and art studio for young girls in Chantilly, Virginia! We are pleased to announce our new location (located inside the Little Lords & Ladies Kids Consignment Shop building!) at 14231 Willard Road!             We recently hosted a grand opening […]

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