
American Girl Doll Kanani Shaved Ice Hut Craft-Recycle A Box!

In one of our recent crafting summer camps here in Chantilly, Virginia we celebrated the Kanani www.cupcakesandlace.comAmerican Girl doll by crafting a shaved ice hut!

Any doll lovers out there know that Kanani is the Hawaii doll!  In the books her family owned a shaved ice stand/store.  We re-created our own with a Tide detergent cardboard box from Costco (or you can find one at BJ’s or similar stores!) and some craft supplies.

agdollkananiblogpostjuly2014 (1)Before the camp we pre-spray painted the boxes in a vibrant yellow with some glitter on the counter top.  Then we used recycled cylinder tubes and wooden dowels (for the posts on the side) and used poster board for the overhang.  Then we gave the girls tons of supplies:  shells, string, markers, craft gems, craft foam, paper, mini cups, beads, straws and more to create mini drinks and decorate their stand.

Try making one for your own doll!  Then invite your www.cupcakesandlace.comfriends and their dolls over to visit your new shop.


P.S.  Hey!  Do you love crafting for your 18” doll?  We offer a super fun 18” Doll Crafting Kit.  Check it out here!



Cupcakes and Lace offers unique and original Sewing, 18” Doll & Craft KitsPatch Kits,  SewingCraftingDoll Workshops, Badge Workshops for Girl Scouts and Birthday and Special Event Parties.

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