
Girl Scout Brownie Bugs Badge Idea-DIY Tutorial Cute Caterpillar Kids Craft

Hey GS leaders!  Here are some fun craft ideas to work towards your Brownie Girl Scout Bugs Badge.

We came up with this colorful and fun caterpillar craft idea!

You will need:  (this is for one girl)

  • 8 big size pom poms  (OR you can always make a mini version of this and buy the bulk regular size pom poms)
  • 1-2 pipe cleaners
  • 2 googley eyes
  • tacky glue
  • scissors


  1. Cut the pipe cleaners to create the legs and antennae.
  2. Glue all of the 8 pom poms together.
  3. Glue on the eyes.
  4. Glue on the legs.  The girls may need a little help with this.  I would suggest pressing the legs on the pom pom with your fingers for a few seconds.  Another option is to hot glue legs on for the girls.
  5. Glue on the antennae.
  6. Have the girls cut/color a big leaf out of green construction paper.  This can be the new fuzzy guys landing pad!
  7. Enjoy your new fuzzy creature!


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