
DIY Rainbow Sprinkle Candles!

www.cupcakesandlace.comRainbow sprinkle candles are so colorful, and fun to make!  Check out this tutorial below to learn how to make one www.cupcakesandlace.comfor yourself or with your kiddos!  This would be a great idea to do if your Girl Scout troop is working towards their Playing the Past Junior badge.  Or the Cadette or Senior Girls would love this!  You can really use any color sprinkles and we also tried out glitter (as a substitute and it worked great!

What You Need:

  • about 8 cups of UNMELTED soy wax chips (Note that the glass container we made the candle in was about 9 inches tall so amount of wax will vary depending on size of container.  We bought a 10 pound bag of wax from Amazon for about $12
  • pot for melting (check out the thrift shop so you don’t have to dirty up your good pots) or use an old crockpot!
  • corn syrup
  • pastry brush
  • sprinkles
  • candle
  • candle scent (we used warm cookie scent and got it from Michaels-see photo)
  • glass measuring cup (we got this for $1 from Dollar Tree)
  • funnel (can get a 3 pack from Dollar Tree for $1)
  • super glue


Make It!

  1. First use super glue to glue the bottom of the wick (metal part) to the center of the bottom of the glass container.
  2. Using your pastry brush mix a small amount of corn syrup with a few drop of water to make a paste.
  3. Now you can brush the inside of the container with the corn syrup
  4. Next boil a pot of water about half full.  Next pour about a cup at a time of unmelted wax into your measuring cup.  We made a double boiler and placed the measuring cup full of wax into the boiling water.  Then you can set it on the edge of the pot and stir slowly every once in a while until melted.  Another option is just to make a bigger batch of wax (without water!) by simply melting the wax inside the pot.
  5. Using your funnel you can start to pour your melted wax slowly into the container.  After you have enough wax you can let it cool.  Since it was winter and cold out we immediately put the container outside to harden quicker.



  • We also tried to make these with glitter instead of sprinkles and it worked great!  Simple brush the corn syrup inside the container.  Then pour some glitter in and slowly keep turning the container to evenly coat the inside.  Dump the remaining glitter out.
  • Use 2 chopsticks or kabob sticks to hold the candle wick in the middle while the wax melts.  You can do this by placing them on top of the glass container.  Otherwise your wicks may move.
  • Use smaller containers and the sprinkles will stay on better.  For the most part the sprinkles stayed by in the center of the container some melted to the bottom.  We also tried a 5 inch by 2 inch deep container and it worked even better.  Dollar Tree has cute heart and star shaped containers for $1 each.



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