
Rainbow Pancake Kids Cooking Recipe: Simple Meals Junior Girl Scout Badge Idea

We recently cooked rainbow pancakes in one of our summer camps here in Chantilly, Virginia!Cupcakes and Lace Rainbow Pancakes Simple Meals Junior GS Badge Idea

What fun!  This is a fun twist to traditional pancakes.  This is also a great www.cupcakesandlace.comactivity to use when working towards your Junior Girl Scout Simple Meals badge.



  • box of pancake mix
  • food coloring (we love the Wilton gel food coloring!  Can get at WalMart, JoAnn Fabrics, or craft store)
  • tons of bowls
  • spoons
  • griddle or frying pan on stove
  • spatula
  • tons of plates
  • measuring cups

www.cupcakesandlace.comHow to Make:

  1. Mix the pancakes in a big bowl according to the directions on the back of the pancake
  2. Separate the mix evenly into little bowls.
  3. Add food coloring with all the colors of the rainbow!  Stir!
  4. Spray griddle with cooking spray and turn on.
  5. Using a small ladle or measuring cup pour a small amount of pancake mix on the griddle.  We did one color at a time and placed them on a plate.  The girls were rising 4th graders and were able to do it for the most part themselves with close watch.  The griddle is a great alternative to the stove top.  You can fit more on there at one time.
  6. Stack them to create your rainbow.  Add your syrup and enjoy!



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