Girls Christmas Gift Idea! American Girl Doll Princess Gowns! Handmade too!
Are you looking for a unique Christmas or Hanukkah gift for that little American Girl doll lover in your life?
My grandmother and I make these adorable 18” doll outfits! My 86 year old Grandma (who taught
me to sew when I saw about 8) makes the cutest doll clothes.
She used to make the American Girl doll clothes for us grand-kids when we were little. She even made doll clothes for my mother and her two sisters when they were very young. Back when my mom was a little girl my Grandma would sew clothes for locals and it turned into a small business. Now she does something similar. Grandma will go to local craft shows and sell her amazing doll clothes. Sometimes she even gets special custom orders!
Take a look at some of her unique and details 18” doll dresses and accessories RIGHT HERE!
Cupcakes and Lace offers unique and original Sewing and Craft Kits, Patch Kits, Sewing, Crafting, Doll Workshops, Badge Workshops for Girl Scouts and Birthday and Special Event Parties.
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Categories: 18'' Doll Accessory Workshops, Dolls, Sewing
Posted December 9th, 2013 by Sarah